OPINION: Threatening Muslims

Giuliani campaign’s Muslim fallout

Traveling around New Hampshire last week, the GuardianFilms team dropped in on a Rudy Giuliani house party. With cameras running we caught one of Giuliani’s New Hampshire state leaders as he derided and even threatened Muslims. The story turned out to have some resonance, winding its way from Guardian Unlimited, through the liberal blogosphere and into the US mainstream media before becoming an embarrassment for the Giuliani campaign.

At Manchester mayor Frank Guinta’s house party John Deady blended in with the mostly white, professional crowd. A retired military intelligence officer and state co-chair of Veterans for Rudy, he has been active in Republican politics for decades. He was eager to share his enthusiasm for Giuliani and what he saw as Rudy’s no-nonsense, get tough approach to America’s legions of enemies around the world, particularly the Muslims.

He has got, I believe, the knowledge and the judgment to attack one of the most difficult problems in current history, and that is the rise of the Muslims. Make no mistake about it; this hasn’t happened for a thousand years. These people are very, very dedicated. They’re also very smart in their own way, and we need to keep the feet to the fire and keep pressing these people until we defeat them or chase them back to their caves, or, in other words, get rid of them.

Deady wasn’t the only one with intense pro-Rudy sentiments at the party. Another supporter told us, “We are going to protect what is ours. If it means we’ve got to shoot you in the head then so be it. I think he’s the guy who can do that.” [complete article]

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