US accepts Hamid Karzai as Afghan leader despite poll fraud claims

US accepts Hamid Karzai as Afghan leader despite poll fraud claims

The White House has ended weeks of hesitation over how to respond to the Afghan election by accepting President Karzai as the winner despite evidence that up to 20 per cent of ballots cast may have been fraudulent.

Abandoning its previous policy of not prejudging investigations of vote rigging, the Obama Administration has conceded that Mr Karzai will be President for another five years on the basis that even if he were forced into a second round of voting he would almost certainly win it.

The decision will increase pressure on President Obama to justify further US troop deployments to Afghanistan to prop up a regime now regarded as systemically corrupt. [continued…]

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One thought on “US accepts Hamid Karzai as Afghan leader despite poll fraud claims

  1. DE Teodoru

    I recall when the Mafai mayor of Newark NJ went to jail and a black engineer named Gibson won the election. Alas, he inherited all the manure that was Newark under the Mafia mayor and soon people would say: see what manure you get when you put a black in power. Now that Obama has taken on himslelf the Afghan neglect and corruption of Bush, you have Republican hack, Sen. Kit Bond demanding that McChrystal testify before his committee to show: see what you get when you put a black in the presidency. The Afghan patient has long been dead and Karzai is death rot. This happened long before McChrystal was sent there by Obama. You can’t save a dead Afghanistan– especially not when you’re broke– nor can you hide wasteful misuse of medical heroics by McChrystal in June by demanding more and then blaming the death on Obama because he tells the general “no more.”

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