American supremacy

Matt Miller writes:

Does anyone else think there’s something a little insecure about a country that requires its politicians to constantly declare how exceptional it is? A populace in need of this much reassurance may be the surest sign of looming national decline.

American exceptionalism is now the central theme of Sarah Palin’s speeches. The supposedly insufficient Democratic commitment to this idea will be a core Republican complaint in 2012. Conservatives assail Barack Obama for his alleged indifference to it. It’s part of their broader indictment of Obama’s fishy cosmopolitanism, his overseas “apology tours,” his didn’t-wear-the-flag-lapel-pin-until-he-had-to peevishness. Not to mention the whole anti-colonial Kenyan resentment thing the president’s got going.

Real men – real Americans – know America is the greatest country ever invented. And they shout it from the rooftops. Don’t they?

Miller quotes newly-elected Republican senator, Marco Rubio, who offers this supercharged declaration of American exceptionalism: “Americans believe with all their heart, that the United States of America is simply the single greatest nation in all of human history, a place without equal in the history of all of mankind.”

Leave aside the fact that many Americans who hold this view have never actually visited another country, expressions of America’s exceptional character such as that by Rubio, represent a view of the world as much as one of America. Moreover, this is not merely about saying that America is unique but that it is superior to every other nation and that it must vigorously guard this position of supremacy.

If this was about praising a set of virtues, then one might imagine that those who see America in this way, would hope that every other nation might at some time share the same set of virtues. Clearly they do not hold this hope, because this is not about virtue or excellence — it is about power and domination. That America could be dislodged from its position of supremacy — this is the greatest fear of the supremacists.

In as much as American exceptionalism is rooted in a belief in American supremacy, then the power ascribed to the nation is implicitly shared by every American. That this is make-believe power is evident in the frequency and loudness with which it is declared and the fact that those who profess their conviction in this power nevertheless clearly easily feel threatened — threatened by the government; by the rest of the world; by immigrants; and by other Americans who don’t share their views.

And yet, the idea that the next presidential election will be a contest based on Americanism, is something that Democrats can justifiably fear. Even if Sarah Palin’s candidacy flops, this theme will be picked up by others as the cause of raw American nationalism easily resonates with a dispirited electorate.

As his victory speech made evident, Marco Rubio has an America-first message much harder to dismiss than Palin’s. The worst mistake of those who find this view of America unpalatable is to fail to take it seriously.

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6 thoughts on “American supremacy

  1. Norman

    Nice speech. I wonder, does Mr. Rubio, who is a born in the United States of America citizen, believe that all the other children whose parents come here, some only for the children to become automatic citizens by virtue of birth, are just as eligible to be called U.S.of A citizens, or is he in that minority that believe they should be deported back to the country their parents[s] came from? Or is he an exception to the rule? He gives a good speech, but a lot of what he does say, are talking points that others use, who happen to be bigoted in their beliefs.

    It tales an enormous amount of hard work & belief in the ways of the country, in which one lives, to be a good leader. It takes more than just a good speech. This country is divided in such a way, that I don’t consider the Left or the Right as being true representatives of the American way. He will find out very quickly, whether the ideals he sprouts today, will carry any weight. If he embraces the present divisiveness of the Parties, then he will nothing more than another young man who betrays the values that this country was built on. I wonder, how he will feel about sending others off to fight the senseless wars that “Bush & Cheney” dragged the country into, that “O” is continuing, when he hasn’t served his country in a military capacity?

    It will be interesting to see how long he lasts in his ideals, before he too sells out to the highest bidder!

  2. dickerson3870

    RE: “the cause of raw American nationalism easily resonates with a dispirited electorate” – Woodward
    MY COMMENT: Very scary stuff. I feel like hurling whenever Liz Cheney goes into one of her demagogic diatribes extolling the virtues of “American exceptionalism”.

  3. Zeke Putnam

    I think anyone who reads the real history of America can clearly see we had the idea of exceptionalism from the very beginning. Before our feet were even dry, we were wielding our exceptionalism with every weapon we had on anyone who got in our way.

    The really scaring thing is when you do this you leave a trail of wreckage and enemies everywhere you go and that comes back multiplied as you slide from your pedistal.

  4. BillVZ

    “In as much as American exceptionalism is rooted in a belief in American supremacy, then the power ascribed to the nation is implicitly shared by every American.Americans believe with all their heart, that the United States of America is simply the single greatest nation in all of human history, a place without equal in the history of all of mankind.”
    Matt Miller seems to have it backwards- American supremacy is rooted in American exceptionalism.
    With reference the works of Frank Shaffer and Uri Avnery in this history –here is a look at why I see his statement as a reversal. The the founders of American Society that fled Europe and sailed under Gods direction were ‘pilgrims’ a group who humbly believed that it was superior to all others and had a Manifest Destiny to lead the world and remake the world for Jesus Christ. The Puritans believed that they were importing “authentic Christianity” to America, especially as written in the Old Testament.
    So,when you are doing God’s will it becomes an easy step to claim the supremacy mantel-land-grabbing and ethnic cleansing were considered as part of a divine plan for God’s chosen people, The land of the “heathen;” subhuman savages and murderers(the New Canaanites- the American Indians)for a New Israel was there for the taking by God’s “Chosen People.”
    These same religious teachings were used by the U.S. government who years later by conquest,extermination and theft for land expansion became “a light unto its own nation,” and then “the shining city on a hill” for all as it continued to grow into the single greatest nation in all of human history, a place without equal in the history of all of mankind.”
    Most Americans are weak about the causes of the nations beginnings –history,government and political institutions even though Americans for the most part partake in them today because of the fundamentalist,evangelical roots the pilgrims brought and they still profess.Oblivious to the causes for American exceptionalism as to how really came about and why it remains as strong or even stronger today in every facet of its foreign and domestic policy is something that needs to be corrected in order to understand the deeper the controlof the U.S. by corporate, conservative and evangelical religious right.
    May I recommend to readers the PBS ‘God in America segment’ of the WGBH American Experience History Series, which is available for reviewing or first time viewing, which clearly explains the, “religious faith and belief have forged America’s ideals and molded its identity and shaped its sense of mission at home and abroad. And also for what may be considered a reasonable explanation to the literally unbreakable he ties between Israel and the U.S that are most certain to continue … forever.”
    Two nations and their people as God’s chosen how could it be otherwise.

    In as much as American exceptionalism is rooted in a belief in American supremacy, then the power ascribed to the nation is implicitly shared by every American. “Americans believe with all their heart, that the United States of America is simply the single greatest nation in all of human history, a place without equal in the history of all of mankind.”

    Matt Miller seems to have it backwards- American supremacy is rooted in American exceptionalism.

    With reference the works of Frank Schaeffer and Uri Avnery in this history –here is look at why I see his statement as a reversal. The the founders of American Society that fled Europe and sailed under Gods direction were pilgrims a group who humbly beleived that was superior to all others and had a Manifest Destiny to lead the world and remake the world for Jesus Christ. The Puritans believed that they were importing “authentic Christianity” to America, especially as written in the Old Testament.

    So,when you are doing God’s will it becomes an easy step to claim the supremacy mantel- land-grabbing and ethnic cleansing were considered as part of a divine plan for God’s chosen people, The land of the “heathen;” subhuman savages and murderers(the New Canaanites- the American Indians.)for a New Isreal was there for the taking by God’s “Chosen People.”

    These same religious teachings were used by the government who years later by conquest,extermination and theft for land expansion became “a light unto its own nation,” and then “the shining city on a hill” as it continued to grow into the single greatest nation in all of human history, a place without equal in the history of all of mankind.”
    Most Americans are weak about the causes of the nations beginnings –history,government and poltical institutions even though Americans for the most part partake in them today because of the fundalentalist, evangelical roots the pilgrims brought. Oblivous to cause for American exceptionaism as to how really came about and why it remains as strong or even stronger today in every facit of its foreign and domestic policy is something that needs to be corrected in order to be understood as the U.S. heads deeper into the control by corporate, conservative and evangelical relious right.
    May I recommend to readers the PBS ‘God in America segment’ of the WGBH American Experience History Series, which is availabe for reviewing or first time viewing, which clearly explains the, religious faith and belief have forged America’s ideals, molded its identity and shaped its sense of mission at home and abroad and also for a reasonable explination to the literally unbreakable he ties between Isreal and the U.S that are most certain to continue … forever.”
    Two nations and their people as God’s chosen how could it be otherwise.

  5. DE Teodoru

    My generation that had turned so idealistic and self challenging in the 1960s, only a decade later, became the ME-ist generation as it pharmacologically treated its dopaminergic motivational brain centers with cocaine “Upping.”

    Americans had three mottos, as I learned very soon after coming here:

    (1) Ten attacking one is OK because each feels like he did it himself. Bravado is a must and it must be backed up by incredibly overwhelming odds in fear that the personal weakness of gang-ish individual Americans is ever discovered. Thus, TWO atomic explosions without warning against Japan were required, not so much to get Japan out of the war, but to quell American fears of the Soviets through a spectacular show of SUPER-power. When it became clear that the Soviets had the same bombs, America turned on itself in panic, going from a sense of super-power to one of feeling totally “infected” by Communism. The quick trip from bravado to panic exposes the character of American self-confidence when the odds do not match.

    (2) “A new sucker is born every minute” is the driving force behind the American faith in silver-tongued salesmanship. The play “Death of a Salesman” shows how sad is the fate of the aging shyster when he discovers that, unable to “bring home the bacon,” he loses any self-worth, indeed any right to live. Nevertheless, John Dewey’s philosophy of public education assures that by enhancing competitiveness, there will always be a “sucker” below in the giant pyramid of “suckers” that characterizes American mediocrity. Built-in obsolescence and “bigger is better” have been two marketing principles that have captured Americans into consumerist addictions. Notions of “freedom” were inculcated in each to make “freedom” seem like one’s sole most valuable commodity to sell to the highest bidder. From then forward one is a materialist captive of the consumerist train onto whose tracks to be imprisoned in its cattle cars each American sells his/herself.

    (3) Americans substitute casualness for intimacy. Rather than confront a potential competitor, disarm him with friendly casualness so that he exposes his vulnerabilities, then be “suckered” stooge which gives your Great American Dream meaning.

    Americans never realized that in two Eurasian Wars that were of little danger to them, they could wait and watch the nations of the world devastate each other so that America invariably becomes the BIGGEST only because the BEST totally mutually self-destroyed. So the United States became a relative “paradise” where everyone sought refuge, allowing USA to “brain drain” the world, picking the best and brightest ready to prove themselves. I can never forget my father’s incredible pride when accepted under a special “desired immigrant” visa as if it were St. Peter allowing him through the Golden Gates. To his death he was obsessed with measuring up to Americans standards of “best&brightest,” and ostentatiously showing that he indeed had arrived, forever grateful for every opportunity given him no matter how unbalanced in terms of personal worth-to-remuneration ratio. Imagine millions of Eurasians coming here grateful for the opportunity and blind to the exploitation. Indeed, many times, a cheaper foreign “expert” was far more desirable than an equally able and schooled American. For a decade now the science depts. of American universities have been so filled with Asian “research coolies” that there haven’t been enough scholarships and grants available for competent American students as Americans demand a more equitable remuneration, whether in privilege, recognition or reward that such foreign coolies, so grateful to be here that they’ll do anything to stay. Recently, a reporter from Rutgers University’s newspaper, TARGUM, noted a large group of Chinese student day after day working on the home of a known faculty member. When the reporter interviewed them, the students said that they are all graduate students in engineering working on the home of their academic advisor. Asked how much they were paid, they said “nothing.” as it was part of their PhD program.

    In essence, Americans are culturally molded to want instant gratification, to conform in order to get it and to translate all satisfaction into cash value so that every day’s social encounters are weighed by the metrics of how much money or power did that get them?

    It is, therefore, not surprising that the best and brightest of American minds have turned to making money. In a zero-sum-game, money is seen as a finite pot for which each devotes his/her life to corner as much of it as possible. Through the Cold War, Communism caused great fears to American capitalists; so labor unions were tolerated as a costly immunization against Soviet global proletarianism. But with Cold War victory, American corporatists sought to make up for lost time by stealing as much of the pot as they could through “financial instruments.” A strange economic order developed where American capital enables only industries run on slave labor to mass produce cheaply while lending Americans the dollars needed to massively buy what slave labor massively produced.

    Invariably, American ingenuity proves to be something of a non-enriching commodity as the rest of the world is back where it had been before the 20th Century, some becoming real powers. In the meantime, America is wasting its meager assets fueling its monstrous SUVs (Carter had made us independent of Mideast oil) and exsanguinating in two meaningless wars it is losing.

    Freedom, the essential attribute that permitted the meaningful dialogue of the 60s which permitted equal and fair responsible contention between ideas has been usurped by the predatory corporations’ vapid commercials as they acquired equal legal status to a live citizen. Politics has become totally corrupted and as the situation gets more critical, the politicians elected prove to be of such low intellectual quality that the government is frozen when it comes to problem solving. The 2010 election was a victory for the corporate goons as the voting lemmings tropistically turned to the alternatives in the midst of inevitable crisis as the nation is fed to by the corporations by the corporations’ stooges.

    Me-ism has reached a geriatric state where either the option of common-good collectivism or option of dog-eat-dog competition are besides the point as America is bleeding to death.

    And so what are we doing? We’re trying to prove our resilient “manhood” by following old ex-Commie neocons trying to establish their “mensch-hood” pushing America into what they call their “World War IV” against Islam. Meanwhile, China and Russian, still married by necessity, are playing upon America’s collapsing in dying bravado to insure a carcass they can later plunder in continuation of their attempt at world domination, then as a Socialist International,” now as oligarchs that violently dominate their massive populations in state capitalism.

    Our only ally, Europe, noted that if nations get too close to a dying giant they risk infection; it is, therefore, divorcing itself in micro-steps from America’s delirious dying swats at the air.

    Mr. Rubio is a slick human logo symbol, like the card sharks of the Old West, of how money can cover-up the fatal sores on the dying giant. The Teabaggers are the latest proof in American history that indeed there’s a sucker born every minute. Were he still alive, Osama would be raising his eyes to Heaven convinced that Allah is in his corner for not even the Devil could make America behave as crazy as it has since 9/11. It must have been God punishing us for consuming 60% of the world’s resources as only 6% of its population and still think we’re a generous people as we maul Iraq in hope of drinking its oil.

  6. Observer.

    Americans seem to believe that the entire Cosmos has ‘good ole’ U-S-of A’ spray painted on the side, in the colours of the US flag….

    It is very difficult to actually meet an American ( or Canadian ) that is at all aware that the rest of the world actually has its own sense of identity and culture that exists outside that ghastly cloud of American arrogance.

    God save us from Americans.

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