How the NYPD trains its officers to fear Islam

The New York Times reports: Ominous music plays as images appear on the screen: Muslim terrorists shoot Christians in the head, car bombs explode, executed children lie covered by sheets and a doctored photograph shows an Islamic flag flying over the White House.

“This is the true agenda of much of Islam in America,” a narrator intones. “A strategy to infiltrate and dominate America. … This is the war you don’t know about.”

This is the feature-length film titled “The Third Jihad,” paid for by a nonprofit group, which was shown to more than a thousand officers as part of training in the New York Police Department.

In January 2011, when news broke that the department had used the film in training, a top police official denied it, then said it had been mistakenly screened “a couple of times” for a few officers.

A year later, police documents obtained under the state’s Freedom of Information Law reveal a different reality: “The Third Jihad,” which includes an interview with Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly, was shown, according to internal police reports, “on a continuous loop” for between three months and one year of training.

During that time, at least 1,489 police officers, from lieutenants to detectives to patrol officers, saw the film.

News that police trainers showed this film so extensively comes as the department wrestles with its relationship with the city’s large Muslim community. The Police Department offers no apology for aggressively spying on Muslim groups and says it has ferreted out terror plots.

But members of the City Council, civil rights advocates and Muslim leaders say the department, in its zeal, has trampled on civil rights, blurred lines between foreign and domestic spying and sown fear among Muslims.

“The department’s response was to deny it and to fight our request for information,” said Faiza Patel, a director at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School, which obtained the release of the documents through a Freedom of Information request. “The police have shown an explosive documentary to its officers and simply stonewalled us.”

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One thought on “How the NYPD trains its officers to fear Islam

  1. DE Teodoru

    Muslims can not expect justice in America because the neocons and their paid-for president, GW Bush, had too long stuffed down Americans’ throats the Bush-it that it was ISLAM that did 9/11. Right now, it is not police who should apologize but Mayor Bloomberg, who is a sneak-in-the-night neocon. He never used to be but became one because, in NY, if you’re not one, you’re a “self-hating Jew.” It’s all so stupid; but when a few old farts devote themselves totally to a stupid negative idea they can usually succeed amongst people with all sorts of complexes. Jews, for the most part, are under constant pressure to deviate away from their American pole to the Zionist pole. They really don’t want to but the pressure is constant and unrelenting from the neocns. After all, now that’s their 24-hrs. gig for which they are well paid. It’s the only thing they know how to do. All it takes is one Adelson to pay and these guys will dance to ANY tune, even if they don’t believe it. But when push-comes-to-shove, like a lot of Israelis, American Jews will reject this Muslim-baiting because they know that it violates the Jewish Ethic. Even Bloomberg will come around as he’s really not such a scumbag. But they need time to get up the courage to stand up to Zionism and how it assumed that it owns them, trying to shame them into accepting Zionist suzerainty over their lives.

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