Most of South America now recognizes Palestine

The latest announcement of diplomatic recognition of Palestine means that governments representing 304 million out of South America’s 386 million people have joined the international movement pressing for the creation of a fully sovereign Palestinian state.

The Guardian reports:

Peru last night announced it recognises Palestine as a state, becoming the seventh South American country to do so in a rapid diplomatic domino effect which has alarmed Israel.

The declaration came on the eve of a Latin American-Arab summit to be hosted in the Peruvian capital, Lima, reflecting growing political and economic ties between the two regions.

“Palestine is recognised as a free and sovereign state,” Peru’s foreign minister, José Antonio García Belaúnde, told RPP radio. “There was no pressure from any side. We have acted with freedom and independence.” He expressed Peru’s continued support for peace talks.

The announcement followed similar decisions by Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Guyana in recent weeks, bolstering Palestinian hopes of momentum towards global recognition.

It came as a chink of good news for Palestinians amid controversy and despair over leaked peace talks documents showing negotiators’ apparent weakness in dealings with Israel and the US.

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2 thoughts on “Most of South America now recognizes Palestine

  1. Norman

    At some point, the U.S. will have to decide which side is best for the U.S. to be on. Breaking old ties, may be had to do, but if it’s at the expense of the American people, there shouldn’t be any doubt which way to go.

  2. 11 Alpha

    Our unrealistic commitment to the Israelis no matter what they do, is proving to be a strategic miscalculation.

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