The Egyptian iron fist

Al Jazeera’s Ayman Mohyeldin describes his experience while held in detention yesterday by the Egyptian military:

The following video shows Egypt’s much-feared secret police in operation on January 26, the day after the first mass protests took place. At 1 minute 15 seconds into the report a gang of plain-clothes policemen can be seen advancing towards protesters. An individual, who would appear to have been a marked man, is dragged out of the crowd and bundled away.

Some observers believe this to have been Wael Ghonim, the Google executive and prominent Egyptian activist who was reported missing the next day and who has just been released.

Meanwhile, Al Jazeera has released footage showing unarmed protesters being shot, apparently by the Egyptian army and police.

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One thought on “The Egyptian iron fist

  1. Norman

    Viewing these videos, leaves me wondering just what this country’s policy towards Egyptians are? Worse, what are the policies here in the U.S.? If the People start protesting the kleptocracy here in the U.S., will they start shooting them too?

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