Egyptian opposition leader: Egypt-Israel peace treaty must be renegotiated

Ynet reports:

After the Egyptian army stressed it was committed to observing all of Egypt’s international treaties, opposition leader Ayman Nour said Sunday, “The role of the Camp David accord has ended.”

In an interview with a Lebanese radio station, Nour, who served a lengthy jail sentence during deposed president Hosni Mubarak’s era, said Egypt “is a great country and must respect its agreements. As for Camp David – this is a unique issue with unique aspects – the people will decide on this matter.

“For all intents and purposes, Camp David is over, because it is an old treaty and its terms must be improved in a way that will correspond with Egypt’s interests,” said Nour, who is considered one of the more liberal opposition figures and has no ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

“The Egyptian rights must be improved, because these rights – as they appear in the Camp David accord – are very modest,” he said.

Reuters reported today that a police officer tried to stab Ayman Nour while he was on tour in the southern town of Luxor. He was not hurt.

Meanwhile, Reuters also reports:

Egypt’s new military rulers will issue a warning on Monday against anyone who creates “chaos and disorder”, an army source said.

The Higher Military Council will also ban meetings by labor unions or professional syndicates, effectively forbidding strikes, and tell all Egyptians to get back to work after the unrest that toppled Hosni Mubarak.

The army will also say it acknowledges and protects the right of people to protest, the source said.

Protesters argued heatedly in Tahrir Square over whether to stay or comply with army orders to leave. “The people want the square cleared,” one group chanted. “We will not leave, we will not leave,” replied another.

Police officers, emboldened by Mubarak’s downfall, gathered outside the Interior Ministry to demand higher pay. Warning shots were fired in the air. No one was hurt.

Workers from the health and culture ministries staged demonstrations as Egyptians began venting pent-up frustrations.

Thousands of workers have staged strikes, sit-ins and protests over pay and conditions at firms and government agencies in fields such as steel, textiles, telecoms, railways, post offices, banks and oil and pharmaceutical companies.

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3 thoughts on “Egyptian opposition leader: Egypt-Israel peace treaty must be renegotiated

  1. Norman

    I think the Army is doing the right thing in issuing orders not to stage strikes, for all this does at this critical junction is add chaos to the situation. Perhaps that’s what the agitators want, so the Army will crack down, thereby giving the Police, who are probably still loyal to the kleptocracy, reason to try & return to what used to be! Face it, it’s going to take awhile to iron out all the intricacies of the new found freedoms being enjoyed. This doesn’t mean that the revolution is finished, because it isn’t, but that sanity needs to be in the forefront moving ahead. Hopefully, that’s exactly the course being taken.

  2. Frigga Karl

    No, the army is not doing the right thing. The army has to respect decisions coming from the revolutionary leaders. The army is only a transition power. From now on all decisions have do be shared with the revolutionary leaders. If this is not the case, the revolution will be aborted by a military regime! of course this will be a good thing for Israel and the USA, but not for the egyptian people. We have to watch carfully what is really going on now. Each person in the egyptian government has to be examinated about his involvement in the former dictatorship, and if so, has to walk out. Of course ruling a country is a complicated task, but the army should assist the futur decision makers and even some ministers should help an entirely new government to come. Look at the “Irrigation minister, he is a correct person, because the Nil water has a predator: Israel. This minister is opposed to an israeli deal. In 1976 already Egypt agreed to a water supply to Israel only if East Jerusalem will be liberated for the Palestinians. Of course Begin opposed this deal. Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenia, Sudan all are riverside countries and participants of the Nil treaty. Now what is doing Israel? It is coaxing those countries for individual treaties.
    I hope that those countries act in a common interest and not individually. Water is the future of all those countries and especially Egypt. Israel is already confiscating the Jordan river and withhold the water from the Palestinians in the occupied territories. This is a human crime, not less.

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