Jordan king: Palestinians have more secure future than Israel

Haaretz reports:

Jordanian King Abdullah II said Monday that Israel’s position in the Middle East has deteriorated in the wake of the recent wave of Arab uprisings, telling a group of intellectuals that the Palestinians now have a “more secure future” than Israel.

Israel’s position is “more problematic than it has been in the past”, Abdullah told the group of authors and academics gathered at the royal palace in Amman, according to Army Radio.

The Jordanian king told the group that he had expressed these views on a recent visit to the United States. An Israeli intellectual told the king that he believed that the Arab Spring would serve Israeli interests, whereupon Abdullah answered he felt that the opposite would be true.

King Abdallah also related to proposals advocated by some Israeli rightists that his country fulfill the national aspirations of the Palestinian people. Abdallah called this so-called “Jordanian option” an unacceptable fantasy plan. He said that Jordan can never take the place of a substitute Palestinian homeland.

The king added that no American or European official has ever pressured him to support a solution to the Palestinian refugee problem that would come at the expense of the kingdom, according to Israel Radio.

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One thought on “Jordan king: Palestinians have more secure future than Israel

  1. Roger Lafontaine

    It sounds good: their future is ‘more secure’. But in the meantime their survival is extremely precarious. Shortages, damaged or destroyed infrastructure, unexpected airstrikes, assaults, attacks, arbitrary arrests, repression, torture, hunger, demolitions, confiscations… and so on and so on. How do they get across this chasm to that future? Israel is tearing that future apart bit by bit and the US is guarding over the destruction.

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