Evidence that al Qaeda killed Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri in 2005

Part Two of an interview with Gareth Porter:

Part One:

See also, Hariri Bombing Indictment Based on Flawed Premise and Tribunal Concealed Evidence Al-Qaeda Cell Killed Hariri, by Gareth Porter.

For more background on the history of Lebanon, see the RealNews series parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, and Ten.

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One thought on “Evidence that al Qaeda killed Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri in 2005

  1. Roger Lafontaine

    My information tells me that the CIA murdered Hariri in order to plant the blame on Hezbollah, for the benefit of Israel of course. If you recall the FBI was sent to ‘search for clues’ at the bomb site immediately after the murder. ‘Search’ for clues or make them disappear and plant new ones? Hezbollah had nothing to gain from his murder and Al-Quaeda really wasn’t even in the picture at the time. Most of what is passed off for A-Q is fabrication and fear-mongering.

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