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“Paul Woodward epitomizes the new internet journalist, that combination of fiercely independent judgment and intellectual depth that the internet has brought to journalism in our time. He has a roving mind with a philosophical bent, but he is tenacious when it comes to the corruption of American foreign policy and mainstream journalism by the special relationship with Israel; and his pithy, newsy and ironical observations of this process have made his site indispensable to anyone who wants to understand the American role in the world today.”
Philip Weiss, journalist and co-editor of Mondoweiss

As an independent news editor and commentator, I use my own judgment. I don’t bow to anyone — not to governments, or political parties, or corporations, or the mainstream media, or advertisers, or think tanks, or academia, or popular opinion, or ideology, or the blogosphere, or social media, or even my own readership.

If you value this kind of liberated journalism, please support this site and make a donation. Thank you — Paul Woodward

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