The Paris climate agreement — infographic

By Emil Jeyaratnam, The Conversation; James Whitmore, The Conversation; Michael Hopkin, The Conversation, and Wes Mountain, The Conversation

On December 12, 2015 in Paris, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change finally came to a landmark agreement.

Signed by 196 nations, the Paris Agreement is the first comprehensive global treaty to combat climate change, and will follow on from the Kyoto Protocol when it ends in 2020. It will enter into force once it is ratified by at least 55 countries, covering at least 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Here are the key points.

The Conversation

Emil Jeyaratnam, Multimedia Editor, The Conversation; James Whitmore, Editor, Environment & Energy, The Conversation; Michael Hopkin, Environment + Energy Editor, The Conversation, and Wes Mountain, Deputy Multimedia Editor, The Conversation

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

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One thought on “The Paris climate agreement — infographic

  1. pabelmont

    The consequences of 2oC (or higher) are dreadful (to those whose knowledge and belief allow and indeed mandate that dread), and 1.5oC is much better. But that requires a serious and speedy effort. and that depends, among other things, on spreading knowledge and belief to all those who are presently “deniers” as well as to those (like many non-denier politicians in the USA) who are ‘tepid-believers”.

    The merely tepid believers are going to slow things down. They are more scared of quick change from status quo than they are of an eventual rise over 2oC. They prefer that cataclysm they cannot quite fully believe in than some mild inconvenience today.

    Scarey. They nearly act liker “deniers”.

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