Fake presidency: White House pushes ‘alternative facts.’ Here are the real ones

The New York Times reports: Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday that the White House had put forth “alternative facts” to ones reported by the news media about the size of Mr. Trump’s inauguration crowd.

She made this assertion — which quickly went viral on social media — a day after Mr. Trump and Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, had accused the news media of reporting falsehoods about the inauguration and Mr. Trump’s relationship with the intelligence agencies.

In leveling this attack, the president and Mr. Spicer made a series of false statements.

Here are the facts. [Continue reading…]

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One thought on “Fake presidency: White House pushes ‘alternative facts.’ Here are the real ones

  1. Dieter Heymann

    If I accept that the facts reported in the scriptures are not “alternative” but absolutely true then the blowing of a shofar can make Trump’s wall come tumbling down and Jesus can enter our country undetected by walking across the waters of Baha California.

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