Hamas and Fatah unveil Palestinian reconciliation deal

Israel’s divide-and-rule strategy is collapsing and the failure of John Kerry’s Middle East diplomacy may turn out to have been one of the Obama administration’s few successes.

BBC News reports: Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas have announced a reconciliation deal, saying they will seek to form a unity government in the coming weeks.

It comes as the peace talks between President Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israel near collapse.

Hamas and Fatah split violently in 2007. Previous reconciliation agreements have never been implemented.

Israel’s prime minister said Mr Abbas would have to choose between peace with Israel and peace with Hamas.

“You can have one but not the other. I hope he chooses peace; so far he hasn’t done so,” warned Benjamin Netanyahu.

Palestinian officials responded by saying reconciliation is an internal matter and uniting Palestinian people would reinforce peace. [Continue reading…]

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2 thoughts on “Hamas and Fatah unveil Palestinian reconciliation deal

  1. BillVZ

    Many have commented on the reality that there is no seriousness of purpose in Israel toward any kind of negotiation. And that Israel, for public-relations reasons, always maintains an appearance of being ready to negotiate for peace; however;settlement negotiations must start with the Palestinians accepting that “Israel is the country of the Jewish people.” The average American has been subjected to pro-Israeli propaganda since birth. That, more than anything else, accounts for American attitudes about the conflict in the mid-east. Both Israel and the US. want this “chapter of decades long ‘negotiations to just keep rolling along as it provides a distraction from both their administrations and its leaders more serious internal problems. Well,well Mr Netanyahu the choice has been made -how about ‘them apples’?

  2. josie milburn

    I’m waiting and have been waiting for the United Nations to exercise its duty to the Palestinian people. I’m waiting….

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